Have you heard of the Livestock Conservancy Shave 'Em to Save 'Em initiative?
It is a fun program they started for fiber artist to encourage them to try new wool that are listed on the Conservation Priority List. You get a "passport" and when you purchase wool (at least 4 oz. of raw wool, washed wool, roving, top, batts, or yarn) from a Fiber Provider that is signed up with the program, you get a stamp to add to your passport.
It is also a great program for those raising heritage breeds, you sign up as a fiber provider and get listed on their website. The feedback from providers has been positive, as they are selling their wool, some for the first time.
I am signed up as a provider and artist!

I have purchased wool from several farms:Lincoln, Jacob, Shetland, Leicester Longwool, and CVM. Still quite a few to go...

A great opportunity to experience spinning so many different breeds.
Are you participating? I would love to hear your experiences, whether you are selling or buying.
If you are interested in learning more check out the Livestock Conservancy Website.
I hope you check it out, the more the merrier!