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Price List for Processing Services

Wool Roving
This service includes Washing, Picking and Carding .
The roving will be loose and coiled in bag.
14.00 per pound, incoming weight.
11.00 for washed wool, incoming weight.
additional charges will be added if the wool contains lanolin and needs to be rewashed.

Pindrafted Roving
After the wool is carded, the roving will be put through the pindrafter, which drafts and further aligns the fibers.
(semi worsted prep)
6.00 per pound additional.

Wool Processing Services
We do not process fine wools.
Medium/Course wools only
Staple length of fleece needs to be between 3-6 inches.
Wool needs to be well skirted.
8 pound minimum
You will need to contact us, before sending wool in.
We do wool processing on a limited basis.
Thank you!
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